What We Do

Dagger Basketball Agency specializes in facilitating and overseeing negotiations within sponsor contracts on behalf of our clients. Our team of seasoned professionals, including FIBA-certified agents, works diligently to secure favorable terms and agreements, ensuring that our clients receive optimal support and representation. With an in-depth understanding of the sports industry and a keen eye for detail, we navigate the complexities of sponsorship contracts to maximize benefits and opportunities for our clients.

Our expertise extends beyond contract negotiations. We are committed to providing comprehensive public relations services that are meticulously tailored to the unique needs of each client. We understand that in the world of professional basketball, managing public perception is crucial. Our dedicated PR team employs strategic communication practices to effectively manage our clients’ public image. We foster positive relationships within the basketball community and beyond, enhancing our clients’ visibility and reputation.

We take pride in our personalized approach, working closely with each client to understand their individual goals and aspirations. By combining our expertise in contract negotiation with our comprehensive PR services, we strive to create lasting partnerships and elevate our clients’ careers to new heights. Whether you are an emerging talent or an established athlete, Dagger Basketball Agency is here to support your journey and help you achieve success both on and off the court.